Agenda at a Glance

Morning - Main Stage

Overview of the AR+VR market by the world’s top experts

Vision talks by tech giants

Fortune 1000 corporations share ROI studies

Investors panel explores the global opportunities in the market

Afternoon - Developer/Creator Track

Sessions to help developers and a technical audience get up to speed on the latest tools and techniques for developing in AR+VR by the world’s leading companies and experts. This track will also include talks on UX and creativity in XR

Exhibit Hall - All Day

Throughout the day, the exhibit hall will be open to explore demos from dozens of startups and corporations showcasing the latest hardware, tools, and applications for AR and VR.

Afternoon - B2B Deal Making, Pitches

The afternoon will be dedicated to startup pitches and B2B meetings between startups and investors and corporations to help raise funding, partnerships and talent acquisition.

AWE Tel Aviv 2018 Event Hours

Monday, November 5th, 2018

8:15am-4pm…………Registration open
9am–12:30pm………Morning Keynotes (Grand Hall ABC)

11am-6pm……………Exhibit Hall Open (Grand Ballroom FGED)

12:30-1:30pm………Lunch Break (for all access pass holders only – Royal Ballroom HIJ)

1:30-2:30pm…………Startup Pitches in front of investors

2:30pm-5:30pm……B2B Deal Making and startup pitches (Grand Hall A/C)

1:30pm-5:30pm……Developer and Creator Track in Room (Grand Hall B):

5:45pm-6pm………..Event Wrap up and Best in Show Auggie Awards (Grand Hall B)


6pm–8pm……………Networking Happy Hour (For startups, Investors and Corporates only – Royal Ballroom HIJ)